Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The weather has been nice the last few days, so nice in fact that Molly has spent the majority of today out on our back patio doing who knows what. We don't really have any toys back there, but we do have a Molly sized set of lawn chairs and a table with an umbrella and our little garden is back there. Of course, when you are three the entire world is a fascinating place, especially a back yard. She's been coming in and out all day telling me what the bugs are doing, and of course she accidentally stepped on a beetle so she had to bring it's tiny carcass inside in her hand to show me. He wasn't all gross, thank goodness, but she felt bad and told me that she really love that bug and was sad that she squished him.

Cory had a dentist appointment this afternoon, his first one in about 4 years. Molly hasn't been yet for her own check up (call me a bad mom if you want) so I took her and she got to watch him get examined and get his teeth cleaned. She was fascinated with the spit sucker. I haven't taken her yet because our dental plan pretty much only covers places like Gentle Dental or My Dentist, huge practices with multiple dentists, and many of those, in fact all the ones I called before I made the appointment at My Dentist for Cor, didn't want to see children until they were 5. Well that would be all well and good if our insurance covered pediatric dentists as primary care dentists, but they don't. Luckily this My Dentist office said they would take her and do whatever they could and if she seemed like she was too scared then they would refer her to a pediatric dentist from there and that THEN our insurance would cover it.

So tomorrow she's going for her first cleaning and examination. She might have a tiny cavity in one of her molars, but I'm not sure, it's just a tiny spot. We think she inherited Cor's deep grooves in his teeth. I'm going to feel REALLY bad if she has a cavity, even though I know we brush her teeth often and genetics plays a big part in dental health. She doesn't seem scared about it though, so I'm glad for that. She was TERRIFIED of the doctor from birth up until about 6 or 8 months ago and then she just snapped out of it and talks the doctors ear off nowadays. It was sort of out of character for her since she's so outgoing and chatty and always has been.

I realize this post has been not terribly homeschooling related, but a) Molly learns from everything she does at this age, so her exploring the backyard and watching a dentist appointment really are quite educational for her and 2)/b) I think I'll also use this blog to ramble about my daily goings on, because I'm not interesting enough otherwise (am I interesting at all??)

Send your friends to read about my mundane life! I want more readers :-)

Also, if I expand my repertoire I'll get to get on my soapbox about the myriad of other things I think about on a daily basis :-P

Lastly, photo dump from chalk time in the backyard

Ignore the fact that you can see straight up her shorts and admire how long and skinny her legs are, I'm having a moment of jealousy.

Her hair didn't look nearly this neat by the end of the day, she looked like something the cat dragged in.

Posted this one on FB. She wanted to go inside and wash her hands and I made her stop for a picture...this is the look I get. She wasn't about to cry, she was just making a crazy face.

then she squats and makes the same face.

Then she's back to normal with a big grin...then I let her go in and wash her hands :- D


  1. Love her Gymboree outfit. My daughter has the same one for the summer.

    And it's okay about the dentist. I haven't been in years. I do take my kids but me? Um, not so much.

  2. Hey, I'm glad to see you here! I found your blog on GF a while ago and I've been reading religiously since then. *Blush* I feel like I've been visited by a celebrity!

  3. Observing at the dentist first is an excellent idea! And yes, those are learning experiences too. Good for you. I'll be anxious to hear how her visit goes. Hopefully she won't follow in my footsteps when it comes to that type of thing - meaning I hope she is able to stay conscious. Ugh.

  4. I'm not a huge fan of the dentist either, close to you actually. I'm getting more nervous the older I get, and I think the next time I go in for a cleaning or a filling I'm going to need the valium. I get through it and I don't act that nervous visibly, but I am SO tense that I'm just absolutely mentally exhausted after an appointment and physically too since the stress is so bad.

    Hopefully Molly inherits Cor's non-fear of the dentist. He's so laid back about it.

  5. We were playing outside this morning and Oliver kept saying he wanted to go inside, isn't that weird?!!
